La mejor parte de posicionamiento por beneficio

La mejor parte de posicionamiento por beneficio

Blog Article

The native flora of Chile consists of relatively fewer species compared to the flora of other South American countries. The northernmost coastal and central region is largely barren of vegetation, approaching the most absolute desert in the world.[100]

Los incas establecieron en el Val algunos mitimaes, siendo el principal individuo instalado en el centro de la actual ciudad, fortalezas como el huaca de Chena y el santuario del cerro El Plomo.[21]​ La zona habría servido como almohadilla para las expediciones incaicas cerca de el sur y como nudo vial del Camino del Inca.

Chile's judiciary is independent and includes a court of appeal, a system of military courts, a constitutional tribunal, and the Supreme Court of Chile. In June 2005, Chile completed a nationwide overhaul of its criminal justice system.

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I remember the day back in 2014 when I’d just settled into my new apartment in Santiago and a powerful earthquake rattled the walls.

An economic depression that began in 1972 was exacerbated by capital flight, plummeting private investment, and withdrawal of bank deposits in response to Allá's socialist program. Production fell and unemployment rose. Allende adopted measures including price freezes, wage increases, Check This Out and tax reforms, to increase consumer spending and redistribute income downward.

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The intermediate depression reappears becoming a fertile valley that allows agricultural development and human settlement, due to sediment accumulation. To the south, the Cordillera de la Costa reappears in the range of Nahuelbuta while glacial sediments create a series of lakes in the area of La Frontera.

The northern Atacama Desert contains great mineral wealth, primarily copper and nitrates. The relatively small Central Valley, which includes Santiago, dominates the country in terms of population and agricultural resources. This area is also the historical center from which Chile expanded in the late 19th century when it integrated the northern and southern regions.

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